Atolio Managed vs. Customer Managed Deployment Models

This document describes the deployment models offered by Atolio.

Atolio Managed vs. Customer Managed Deployment

Atolio offers two deployment models to best suit your organization’s needs and security requirements. Regardless of which deployment model you choose, your data always remains within your cloud environment and under your complete control. This ensures maximum security and compliance while still allowing you to benefit from Atolio’s expertise and support.

Atolio Managed Deployment

In this model, an Atolio support engineer handles the initial infrastructure deployment on your behalf, working exclusively within your cloud environment. This option is recommended if you want to:

  • Accelerate the initial deployment process
  • Leverage Atolio’s expertise with the infrastructure stack
  • Focus your team’s efforts on configuration and usage rather than deployment

To enable Atolio managed deployment:

  1. Have a cloud engineer with sufficient privileges run our support role script for your Cloud Provider
  2. The script will create the IAM resource with the necessary permissions and output details
  3. Provide these details to your Atolio deployment support team. They will use this delegated role to:
    • Deploy the initial infrastructure
    • Configure core services
    • Validate the deployment
    • Hand off the deployment to your team

After the initial deployment is complete and validated, you can either:

  • Remove the Atolio support role to revoke access
  • Maintain the role for future support needs
  • Transfer infrastructure management responsibilities to your internal team

Customer Managed Deployment

In this model, your organization’s engineers handle the deployment using the documentation we provide and with the guidance of an Atolio deployment engineer via screensharing. This option is recommended if you want to:

  • Maintain complete control over the deployment process
  • Integrate the deployment into your existing infrastructure-as-code practices
  • Have your team gain in-depth knowledge of the infrastructure stack

To proceed with a customer managed deployment:

  1. Follow the prerequisites and setup instructions in the section specific to your cloud provider
  2. Use the provided Terraform configurations and scripts to deploy the infrastructure
  3. Work with Atolio support for guidance and troubleshooting as needed via screensharing

Regardless of the deployment model chosen, Atolio provides ongoing support for the application itself and can assist with infrastructure-related questions and issues. In both models, your data and infrastructure remain securely within your cloud environment, with all processing and storage occurring within your controlled perimeter.